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    Donate to our #OneMoreNurse campaign!Should the support you get depend on a postcode lottery?

    NF is the group name for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), NF2-related-Schwannomatosis (NF2) and Schwannomatosis (SWN) it is a genetic condition which can be life-limiting and impairs the quality of life. Some people inherit the condition, others are affected by a random mutation. Nerve tumours can affect any ethnicity, class or sex, and there are currently over 26,500 people in the UK who have one of the NF.

    Our Specialists provide crucial medical and emotional support to patients with NF. 

    But whether you have access to one is a postcode lottery – there are large areas of the country with no provision of support. We need at least five more NF nurses so let’s make a start and help thousands of more people.






    Pictured: Arooj is a Fashion Blogger who recently revealed her NF1 on national BBC broadcasts, on Newsbeat, Radio 1, and Radio 5Live. She is supporting our #OneMoreNurse because she understands how crucial the right support is.


    "When my brother and I were tested, it felt like we had to pick a straw, and I got the short one- I have NF2" - Ben





    Pictured: When Ben was diagnosed with NF2, he and his brother were genetically tested. With the right support, teenagers like Ben can excel in School and life, despite the difficulties their diagnosis brings.