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    News — OneMoreNurse



    “In a world where Neurofibromatosis exists, we require specialist support to be readily available to all who need it.”

    The Neuro Foundation believes that together, we can stand up for those who have NF, and provide much needed reassurance, guidance and advice. We will always be staunch advocates for those who need us, until that need has ended.

    People who are affected by NF have no lesser potential than those who do not. They just have a different set of challenges ahead of them.

    “The Neuro Foundation provides crucial support and empowerment for those affected by Neurofibromatosis in the UK.”

    Neurofibromatosis is not limited to one group of people. Regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, disability or wealth – NF, if not catered for appropriately can cause intense grief and isolation. NF can be uncompromising, painful and punishing without the correct support network. As long as the condition exists, we will strive to provide better and more targeted support.

    The Neuro Foundation is the only source of help, information and advice for those diagnosed with NF1 in the UK. We provide support needed for individuals, their families, teachers, employers, health professionals, etc. There are large areas of the country that are not covered by our network at present. We need to provide at least seven additional NF Nurses to cover the entire country. If we can crowdfund just #OneMoreNurse, then we will have improved the lives of thousands.

    Please consider donating today